Shortlisted PHotoESPAÑA 2021 Best Photography Book of the Year “Self-Published”

Self-published, 2020

Project Coordinator: Centro José Guerrero
Photographs: Pablo Castilla & Pablo López
Editing and design: PANGNIRTUNG Texts: ‘Epistolario’, Ángel Ganivet
Printing: Imprenta Provincial Diputación de Granada

Folder: 28 x 64 cm / Interior: 28 x 21 cm
54 photographs, offset.


Paseante is a collection of photographs that arises from the dialogue between the authors, Pablo López and Pablo Castilla during the lockdown in spring 2020. Each one explores -with limited and imposed regularity- those paths and places closest to their home. By chance, they find themselves in opposite settings: the northern outskirts of Granada, and Harestua, a small town in Norway surrounded by forest.

As a starting point, the reading of the Epistolary of Ángel Ganivet, who ended his life in the Baltic, appears as an unexpected link between north and south. Following these traces as illusory reflections between different places and times, Paseante is the beginning of a disorderly investigation whose method is based on observation and walking.